Get the Highest Price

Getting the Best Price for Your Home

Effective marketing is the key to selling your home quickly and getting the highest price possible. Using innovative, as well as proven methods of marketing, we’ve become a top real estate company in the Chicagoland area. It’s our job to assure that you get as many qualified offers as possible, allowing you to extract the highest sales price the market will bear.

One of the most important elements of marketing your home effectively is setting the price right. If you set the price too high, you won’t get any offers and your home will take too long to sell. Set the price too low, and you cheat yourself by not getting your home’s full, fair value. As experts in Chicagoland real estate, we analyze the market and offer counsel to help you determine the best listing price. Our job is not to tell you what to do. Our job is to provide you with as much information necessary to help you make the best decision for you and your family. We’ll work closely with you to assure that everything possible is done to get the highest price, and within the time frame you need.

The condition and appearance of your home are also critical factors in getting the best price for your home. We’ll personally walk through your home and advise you of what you can do to stage your home effectively. We can make improvement suggestions that are easy and inexpensive to accomplish, but will go a long way toward triggering those ‘buy’ emotions in prospective buyers. Some improvements are much more important, and more likely to pay off, than others! Oftentimes, the buyer is motivated by emotional responses as much as by the financial aspects.

As your agency, we will tenaciously negotiate on your behalf throughout the entire process; to ensure that your best interests are protected. Real estate negotiations and contracts can be intimidating in their complexity. Most people have almost no experience in these negotiations. After all, how often do you buy or sell a new house? As real estate professionals, negotiating to get you the best price and terms is the most important part of our job.

    Looking to Sell?

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